Sunday, November 28, 2010

Don Draper Doesn't Work For You, He Works For Lucky Strike!

Don Draper doesn't work for you, he works for Lucky Strike (this is a "Mad Men" reference for those who don't know).  My point is, advertising firms don't care if the products they sell you are healthy, they only care if they sell.

Let's talk about eggs, and chickens, shall we?  One of my fav blogs, mikewakesup on tumblr, posted a pic of the eggs he uses, and they were labeled "cage free."  Well, there's a lot of misinformation out there, so be careful.  Always make sure whatever you buy says organic, or it could be a lot of different things. "Fed a vegetarian diet" almost always means factory produced corn and/or soy, both Caveman no-no's. But by law, if it's called organic, even though the chickens might be fed corn and soy, at least it's organic, and you're still getting a healthy chicken. Plus, maybe to a chicken, corn and soy IS Caveman Food? I don't know, I'm not a chicken, but in my mind, it's a healthy bird for me to eat.

Also, "Free Range" and "Cage Free" doesn't mean much. By law, it can mean the chicken had some access to the outdoors for a small period of time during the day, but in reality, they probably stayed inside anyway, in horrible unhealthy conditions, because that's where they were being fed. Trader Joe's got busted by an undercover investigation on this recently and were forced to change the farmers they bought from.  If it says organic, by law, it means they were raised mostly outdoors, and are happy healthy chickens, right up to the moment I slaughter and eat them for my own selfish reasons. :)

The same goes for eggs, by the way. Always make sure it says organic, and if you can get them from chickens who were fed organic flax seed for extra Omega-3, even better.  Here's some more reading on Omega-3 eggs, and free range meat from a blog I wrote and re-blogged on tumblr:

 Happy reading and happy eating!
Sunny Side Eggs with Fresh Rosemary, Thyme, and Red Jalapeno.

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