Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Orange Ginger Shrimp!

One bag of Trader Joe's WILD CAUGHT blue shrimp
Ginger (freshly grated)
Garlic (chopped)
Onions (chopped)
Olive oil
Greens (cut into chunks, any kind will do, Chard, Collard, Mustard, Spinach, Kale, etc)
Half an orange.
Zucchini (spirooli'd into noodles)
Stir fry the ginger, garlic, onions, and greens in the olive oil.  When veggies start to soften, yet remain firm (like my heart), add shrimp.  Once shrimp are brightly colored (2-6 minutes), squeeze ALL the juice from the orange into the mixture.  Get it all, including what bits of pulp spill in too.  Add the zucchini noodles, and toss everything together.  If you need more sauce, add some or all the juice from the other orange (add more oil too to keep the balance).  Take a look:

And it tasted AMAZING!!!  From what I heard anyway.  BECAUSE I DIDN'T MAKE IT!!!!  My cavewoman sister Sherilyn did!  All on her own!  On the other side of the continent!  I'm so proud of her!

You can use a million varieties of Sherilyn's recipe, much like you can with any Paleo Surprise meal!  She was craving oranges, and look what she came up with!  As good as anything you can get in a Chinese restaurant, plus, it's all organic, no salt, gluten free, hell, it's all grains-free, it's pure paleo!

I'm telling you, I'm gonna start charging money to teach people how to be their own caveperson!  Now go, my many minions of cavepeople, go, and create more culinary masterpieces!  Our numbers will build, and we'll slowly take over the world, one meal at a time!  And then one day, from every kitchen, and every dining room, and every restaurant around the world, the cry of "Ugga-Bugga" will be heard!

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