Friday, December 24, 2010

Rigatoni! Plus, Garlic Bread Improved!

Leftovers for dinner tonight, but I definitely improved on the garlic bread!  I threw it under the broiler for a minute and look what happened!

Now THAT looks like garlic bread!  It was awesome!

I also took the opportunity of leftovers to try my rigatoni experiment.  Instead of making fauxghetti from my zucchini, I peeled them, cut the into sections, and hollowed them out!  Served them with the leftover Italian sausage, take a look (through the steam):

They actually look more like calamari, huh?  Anyway, my verdict?  It was a nice change of pace, but it was a lot of tedious work, and considering they don't really taste like pasta, I'm gonna stick with the fauxghetti, because A) it's easy to make with the spirooli, and B) the twirl really makes ALL the difference when you're trying to trick yourself into thinking you're eating pasta.  But hey, it never hurts to try, right?!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, Ugga-Bugga!

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